Calvary Chapel Christian Academy
The staff and administration at Calvary Chapel Christian Academy believe our school is an extension to our parents' wholehearted commitment to raise their children in the Word of the Lord. (Deut. 6:6-7)
Verse of the Week
A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
Proverbs 29:11
Quote of the Month
Education is the movement from darkness to light.
Allan Bloom
Box Tops logo with website URL


With a heavy heart we have made the final decision to close our school. We have explored every avenue and option and we have not been able to overcome the obstacles we have faced since the beginning of the pandemic. With that being said, we want to express our deep sorrow, as we have loved serving the families of CCCA for over 15 years. We are grateful for the time God has given us, and know He is leading in a different direction.

With our school closing, parents will be needing their child’s records. If you have a cumulative file with us, those will be ready by Mon. Aug. 31st
 to be picked up, you can then hand carry it to your child’s new school. If you have paid tuition, registration, or uniforms, that money will be refunded to you in full. Checks will be made out and available for pick up at the office on Wednesday, 9/2 from 1-6pm. If you are unable to pick your refund up in person, it will be mailed to you the following day. Our school office will be open through the month of September if you have any needs or questions. 

Again, thank you for supporting CCCA we will miss each and everyone of our students, our hallways will not quite be the same this year. (Philippians 1:3-6) 

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